North American News

October 7, 2022 Toronto, Canada
Given the current pandemic situation in Ontario and the lifting of many restrictions, Amma Toronto satsang will be abiding by the following updated guidelines for in-person satsangs, beginning in October 2022. Let us all keep the health and safety of all who wish to attend Satsang uppermost in our... more ›
September 29, 2022 San Ramon, CA
Do you have a meditation practice already? In a way, this question is a trick one, because in truth, everyone in the world meditates—you might just not know it! Meditation can be viewed as simply the practice of one-pointed attention. The world is composed of a myriad of possibilities to experience... more ›
September 28, 2022 Michigan
Ann Arbor Mother's Kitchen  There have been some changes for our Mother's Kitchen program in the last 18 months in both residents, shelter locations and how we provide food. We have worked with Salvation Army-run homeless shelters for over 25 years now and originally cooked... more ›
September 13, 2022 San Ramon, CA
Road work 
September 12, 2022
The Crow Canyon Road has road work going on between Norris Canyon and Bollinger Canyon Road from September 12 until early November. Anyone coming from San Ramon/ I-680 will have to re-route via Norris Canyon. Check more info:... more ›
September 6, 2022 Toronto, Canada
Summer Turns to Fall on the Farm Despite the lack of rain this summer, our garden is alive and abundant with vibrant summer colours. This past long weekend, we harvested green beans, tomatoes, cabbage, eggplants, kale and Malabar spinach. With Fall just around the corner, the Farm Team unearthed... more ›
August 27, 2022 San Ramon, CA
Test Prep Tutor and Integrated Amrita Meditation (IAM) instructor Michael Romano, from northern California, shares his observations of the benefits of students practicing the Youth IAM meditation. His main area of focus is preparing high school students for college entrance exams, such as the SAT... more ›
August 24, 2022 Toronto, Canada
Garden Abundance and Summer Pasta With a hot, summer day ahead and the Garage Sale expecting to bring in a larger crowd, many of the volunteers arrived at the farm early. By 9 Am, a small team gathered in the garden to harvest the organic vegetables and have them ready to sell at the vegetable... more ›
August 17, 2022 Toronto, Canada
Summer's abundance at the Farm Some Farm team members arrived bright and early Saturday morning to harvest the garden’s fresh, organic vegetables and have them ready for sale. By 10 AM, the veggie table was filled with kale, Swiss chard, Malabar spinach, green beans, eggplants, carrots, cabbage,... more ›
August 9, 2022 Seattle
PNW Embracing the Trees (ETT) held their first tree-planting activity on May 14, 2022, planting 9 trees on a Seattle Satsang member's property near Woodinville, WA.  Ten wonderful volunteers joined in on the fun planting 7 fruit trees, 1 Cedar, and 1 Douglas Fir.
The PNW ETT... more ›
August 3, 2022 Santa Fe, NM
Seva Opportunities for Weekly Satsang Meal Or bring a salad, dessert or main dish. It doesn't have to be fancy or overwhelming. Cooking for the Divine Mother’s devotees is a great boon! Mentoring available. Julie Rose 505-577-4356.
