September 12, 2021 –
San Ramon, CA
Our MA Center San Ramon kitchen crew has just celebrated the first birthday of Food From Home (FFH)! Launched September 5, 2020, FFH was born in response to the separation and isolation that we, the Amma community, felt during the initial COVID lockdown. If no one could come to the ashram... more ›
September 1, 2021 –
Toronto, Canada
The bees are 'bearding' to cool down
It is a bee-zy time at the hives for both bees and beekeepers! The team continues to mindfully inspect the hives, testing and treating mites, monitoring pests and potential diseases, replenishing the water supply, and keeping an eye out for... more ›
It is a bee-zy time at the hives for both bees and beekeepers! The team continues to mindfully inspect the hives, testing and treating mites, monitoring pests and potential diseases, replenishing the water supply, and keeping an eye out for... more ›
August 26, 2021 –
Greenfriends at MA Center Michigan abounds in summertime activities! Although covid has kept the ashram off limits for group activities, individual sevites have been diligent in nurturing mother earth in meaningful ways. With Ammas guiding light, all of the many Greenfriends projects spring up and... more ›
August 24, 2021 –
We conducted an intimate Satyanarayana puja during this month's full moon. May the punya (positive results) be shared with all of Amma's children!
August 10, 2021 –
Our MA Center has become a safe sanctuary for monarch butterflies. The monarch butterfly population is vulnerable to the effects of climate change. Left in the wild, 70% of the caterpillars will succumb to predators, whereas when raised indoors 70% of them will grow into butterflies.
Over the last... more ›
July 31, 2021 –
We completed our Food From Home day for July. It was a resounding success - we sold over 48 meals! This month's theme was Street Food Celebration. We served vegetable biriyanis, dhoklas, samosas, apple crisps (from our own apple orchard!), gooseberry jam, and spiced apple jam.
July 21, 2021 –
Toronto, Canada
Welcoming two new hives
A beekeeper's work is never done. June was a work month for the Bee Team: the beekeepers inspected the current colonies, monitored hives for queen cells, eggs, brood and swarms, assessed mite counts, repaired broken equipment, took inventory of their present equipment... more ›
A beekeeper's work is never done. June was a work month for the Bee Team: the beekeepers inspected the current colonies, monitored hives for queen cells, eggs, brood and swarms, assessed mite counts, repaired broken equipment, took inventory of their present equipment... more ›
May 31, 2021 –
San Ramon, CA
MA Center San Ramon is soliciting applications from interested individuals to be part of our Karma Yoga program for the Orchard and Facilities. The Karma Yoga program facilitates living in a spiritual community while engaging in a service project for up to two months. Participants stay on-site at... more ›
May 18, 2021 –
Toronto, Canada
Since May 20 is World Bee Day, it is good to take a moment to give thanks to these little insects which we depend on for food. Across the globe, more than 75% of our food crops depend on pollinators like bees and butterflies to bear fruit. You can thank a bee every time you eat a fruit, smell a... more ›