Farm Produce Donations for Amma70SevaBouquet

So far, the orchard has donated over 5,000 lbs of fruit to food banks
The Farm in Georgetown (near Toronto, Ontario) features an orchard of over 200 fruit trees, a large (0.5 acre) vegetable garden, and four beehives. Fruits and veggies are grown using only fertilizers and pesticides that have been approved by Health Canada for organic farming. Care for the orchards, veggie garden, and bee hives is labour intensive and run entirely by volunteers: many hours are spent planting seedlings and installing irrigation, weeding and cutting grass, pruning and spraying, in hive inspections and treatments. And then there's the harvesting!
A small portion of the harvest is sold to the public, to raise funds to support ongoing farm activities, and Amma's charities. The majority, particularly of the fruit, is donated to local food banks and food programs. To date, the orchard alone has donated over 5,900 lbs of pears and apples to food banks. Far more is still to come in the next few weeks, as the apple harvest has just begun. This total does not include donations of green beans, Swiss chard, or kale that the veggie garden has donated. The Farming Coordinators offer their sincere thanks to all the volunteers who support the orchards, veggie garden and beehives at the Farm. The Farm Team offers this ongoing seva as a flower in Amma's 70th Birthday Seva Bouquet. #Amma70SevaBouquet', #AmmaNorthAmerica