Homeless Care Packages for Amma70SevaBouquet

Seventy care packages for homeless people in honour of Amma's 70th birthday
In honour of Amma's 70th birthday, a few devotees from Amma Toronto Satsang organized an initiative to distribute 70 care packages to clients of a nearby homeless shelter. In just two weeks time, donations were collected from Toronto Satsang members, and warm winter socks, gloves, toques, and scarves were purchased in bulk from a wholesale supplier. On October 7, volunteers packed these items into reusable cinch bags, together with a t-shirt, and a fig bar (both donated by devotees). A devotee additionally donated 132 denim long-sleeve shirts in various sizes that will be given to the shelter for distribution to clients.
On October 14, an apple from the Farm will be added to the assembled care packages, and they, together with the denim shirts, will be blessed by Swami Dayamritananda at Amma's birthday celebration in Toronto, before being dropped off at the shelter. Amma's Toronto Satsang offers this care package initiative as a flower in Amma's 70th Birthday Seva Bouquet. #Amma70SevaBouquet', #AmmaNorthAmerica