September 16: Farming Seva

Join for Farm Seva or Buy Produce this Saturday from 11 AM - 3 PM
Amma's veggie garden and orchard are slowly showing splashes of yellow, red and orange, which is a sign that autumn is just around the corner. It's a beautiful time of the year! The Farm Team remains quite busy harvesting the remaining vegetables. Within the next few weeks: leeks, garlic, poi (Malabar spinach), karela (bitter gourd), potatoes, eggplant, onions, tomatoes, squash, and a few other vegetables will be harvested.
A big thanks to everyone who came out to help with the harvesting of pears and apples over the past week! We had a bumper crop of early pears, which have now been all but totally picked. The remaining brown Bosc pears will be ready to pick in October. The pears that were harvested on Sept 2, and stored in the kitchen area (1,321.5 lbs) were distributed to Daily Bread Food Bank and Sai Dham Food Bank during the week. The pears and some of the apples that were picked last Saturday, Sep 9 (410 lbs) have been donated to Everlasting Tree School Food Program and Sai Dham Food Bank. This brings our total donation of pears and apples to 4096.5 lbs. The food banks and school are very grateful for the donations of fresh produce.
Help is needed in both the vegetable garden and orchard this Saturday, September 16. Please support us by giving us a hand this weekend anytime between 11 AM to 3 PM. Your help means a lot! Lunch will be provided. Kindly remember to wear closed-toe shoes. To help with lunch prep, please sign up HERE.
If you are interested in learning more of our farming sevas, please contact Brian or or email