October 7: Farming Seva

Drop-in for apple or pear picking this Saturday or Holiday Monday!
Happy Thanksgiving! We are looking forward to an exciting weekend at the Farm. We have 39 apple trees and 12 pear trees that are heavily laden with fruit ready to harvest, plus many other trees with a lesser amount. Harvesting will begin in earnest this weekend on both Saturday and Holiday Monday. We will also be closing up the veggie garden, and removing the irrigation system. On Saturday, October 7, Farming seva will begin at 10:00 AM in the veggie garden and 11:00 AM in the orchard, and continue until 3:30 PM. On Monday, October 9, Farming seva will begin at 12:00 noon and continue until 4:00 PM. Drop in for any amount of time on either day. A light lunch will be served on Saturday. On Monday, only snacks will be served, so bring your own lunch. Please sign up HERE. Hope to see you there!
If you are interested in learning more of our farming sevas, please contact Brian or or email ammatoronto@ammagroups.org