February 21, 2023 –
United States
AYUDH Chicago hosted its first-ever AYUDH Winter Retreat January 13 - 15. The retreat was open to all ages and included people from all over the U.S. The organizers chose C20 as the retreat's primary theme because the government of India appointed Amma as chair of the country’s... more ›
February 8, 2023 –
Toronto, Canada
AYUDH TORONTO is hosting a donation drive to kick off 2023 in a positive note by helping homeless youth in Toronto! We are collecting items to donate to Youth Without Shelter. The collection will begin on February 11, 2023 and continue until February... more ›
February 5, 2023 –
Swami Dayamritananda Puri graced us with a blessed satsang on January 29. A few photos from the event can be found here.
February 3, 2023 –
San Ramon, CA
You may be well aware of Amma's appointment as the Chair of C20 (c20.amma.org) for 2022-2023 by the Government of India, which took up the presidency of the G20 for the year.
G20 (www.g20.org) is an intergovernmental forum... more ›
G20 (www.g20.org) is an intergovernmental forum... more ›
February 1, 2023 –
Wednesdays at 5:00 pm EDT
Sundays at 11:30 am EDT Please click the registration link to register for the classes.
Sundays at 11:30 am EDT Please click the registration link to register for the classes.
January 23, 2023 –
New England
669 Om annadāyai namaḥ
...who is the giver of food to all living things AYUDH New England wrapped up our AYUDH Give projects! We approached this initiative from multiple perspectives and deepened our understanding of the community's needs. Many of these efforts will... more ›
...who is the giver of food to all living things AYUDH New England wrapped up our AYUDH Give projects! We approached this initiative from multiple perspectives and deepened our understanding of the community's needs. Many of these efforts will... more ›
January 2, 2023 –
San Ramon, CA
Is a regular meditation practice one of your new year’s resolutions? We invite you to consider some suggestions we have given to many Integrated Amrita Meditation (IAM®) students throughout the years.
Amma says, "We should meditate regularly and sincerely without stopping, until we attain one-... more ›
December 31, 2022 –
San Ramon, CA
December 31, 2022
There is a severe weather warning for Bay Area, CA due to the rain. Crow Canyon Road is dangerous with mud slides and flooding in certain areas. Please do not drive to MA Center in these conditions. The New Year's Eve program is now virtual, only on YouTube at this link: ... more ›
There is a severe weather warning for Bay Area, CA due to the rain. Crow Canyon Road is dangerous with mud slides and flooding in certain areas. Please do not drive to MA Center in these conditions. The New Year's Eve program is now virtual, only on YouTube at this link: ... more ›
December 24, 2022 –
Vancouver, B.C.
A cheque from Amma was presented to, and gratefully received by the YWCA in Vancouver, for emergency food vouchers for families in need this winter. Only a couple of us could make it for the presentation due to the severe weather conditions in Vancouver at the moment, but the warm wishes of the... more ›
December 2, 2022 –
San Ramon, CA
According to Amma, the purpose of meditation is “to become love, to experience that Oneness.” The steps to realize this include the goal of making the mind one-pointed, the essence of all spiritual disciplines. Here are a few meditation tips from Amma, from the book “108 Quotes on Meditation":
“... more ›