North American News

February 7, 2014 San Diego
Jan 12th 2014, San Diego. Mother's Kitchen was held at Nita and Ravi's. Volunteers prepared about 160 bagged lunch and delivered to Interfaith Community Services in Escondido, CA. More information on ... more ›
February 7, 2014 San Diego
Dec 29th 2013, San Diego. Mother's Kitchen was held at Jayashree and Shaker's. Volunteers prepared about 160 bagged lunch and delivered to Interfaith Community Services in Escondido, CA. More information on ... more ›
February 4, 2014 Introducing M. A. Center 2014 Initiatives
Introducing M. A. Center 2014 Initiatives      Support $1M  Pledge for Philippines Relief      In November, immediately after the Philippine Islands were hit by the largest storm ever to make landfall, Amma pledged $1M in aid. One part of it has been... more ›
January 28, 2014 Vancouver, B.C.
We are so very blessed each year to have Amma’s physical presence in Bellevue/Seattle. In times where the world needs such selfless love and grace, we are truly grateful. Amma’s programs and charitable activities are made possible through the selfless... more ›
October 7, 2013 Vancouver, BC
Amma's auspicious 60th birthday celebrations were held with great love and devotion by Jasbir and Neal and their family in their lovely home in Vancouver, BC, Canada. The event began with a reverential Pada Puja in which ghee, yogurt, milk, honey and rose water were symbolically offered to Amma's... more ›
September 9, 2013 San Diego
Sep 8th 2013, San Diego. Mother's Kitchen was held at Jayashree and Shaker's. Volunteers prepared about 160 bagged lunch and delivered to Interfaith Community Services in Escondido, CA. More information on ... more ›
July 17, 2013 Chicago
July 14, 2013 San Diego
July 28th 2013, San Diego. Mother's Kitchen was held at Devi and Aravind's. Volunteers prepared about 160 bagged lunch and delivered to Interfaith Community Services in Escondido, CA. More information on ... more ›
July 11, 2013 Vancouver, B.C. Canada
The day was warm. But under the generous branches of the trees in front of Tusthi and Prakash's home, the air was cool and gentle......just the sort of day to have a successful garage sale! At first we worried we didn't have as much inventory as in previous years. We worried that with the sky being... more ›
July 1, 2013 San Diego
June 30th 2013, San Diego. Mother's Kitchen was held at Devi and Aravind's. Volunteers prepared about 160 bagged lunch and delivered to Interfaith Community Services in Escondido, CA. More information on ... more ›
