North American News

May 20, 2013 Vancouver, B.C.
On Tuesday, April 23 Vancouver was blessed to have satsang with Swami Dayamrita. Despite it being a somewhat spontaneous event - only having one week's notice to put together the program and send out invites; and despite it being held on a weeknight - about ninety people turned up for an evening of... more ›
May 17, 2013 Chicago
MACC AYUDH and Green Friends Bluebird Nest Project – Oct. 2012 and Apr. 2013 To view full slideshow - click here Amma initiated Her new green campaign, “InDeed”, at her birthday... more ›
May 8, 2013 Chicago
A private hospitality business establishment donated large amounts of furniture to the Chicago Ashram. This was very timely, given the renovation of the South Lodge at the Ashram. These pieces of furniture would come in very handy for the Ashram.
The donation included the following... more ›
May 4, 2013 Chicago
Amrita Bala Kendra Chicago celebrates 4th anniversary: A glance back at the journey... Click here for ABK photo slideshow With our beloved Amma's blessings, Amrita Bala Kendra (ABK) Chicago completed four successful... more ›
April 27, 2013 San Diego
Apr 21st 2013, San Diego. Mother's Kitchen was held at Jayashree and Sekhar's. Volunteers prepared about 168 bagged lunch and delivered to Interfaith Community Services in Escondido, CA. More information on ... more ›
April 17, 2013 Chicago
Report by Paurnami Handler, MACC Nature Educator Click here to view picture slideshow from this event “Our first ABK garden work day brought warm winds and a few rain sprinkles - sure signs that spring is coming!  We spent... more ›
April 15, 2013 San Ramon, CA
With ten days of programs planned, Amma's 2013 summer programs promise to be a memorable spiritual celebration. For Amma's Bay Area community, this is a special opportunity. There are many ways to express our joy for Amma’s visit through seva-selfless service, including helping to clean... more ›
April 15, 2013 San Ramon, CA
Join in the excitement and fun of preparing the M.A. Center San Ramon for Amma’s arrival. We will clean and scrub, sweep and weed, move chairs and bleachers, turn a warehouse into a dining hall, and more! Come and join the many volunteers for some or all of these ... more ›
April 7, 2013 San Ramon, CA
Jyotish Readings, April 2013.  With Amma’s blessings, Vilasitha will be giving Jyotish Astrology readings on an M.A. Center sponsored tour in North America in 2013.    Vilasitha has been a devotee of Amma since 2001 and has provided Jyotish consultations during Amma's tours in... more ›
April 5, 2013 Chicago
First IAM Class held at MACC The inaugural IAM class at MA Center Chicago was held on a crisp spring Sunday on March 24, 2013. Br. Shantamrita conducted the class which was attended by an enthusiastic group of students not only from the Chicago area but also from neighboring states including one... more ›
