North American News

April 4, 2013 San Ramon, CA
M.A. Center San Ramon is excited to announce that Br. Dayamrita Chaitanya will be in town for the following events in April: Satsang evening program, ... more ›
April 1, 2013 San Diego
Mar 31st 2013, San Diego. Mother's Kitchen was held at Jayashree and Sekhar's. Volunteers prepared about 175 bagged lunch and delivered to Interfaith Community Services in Escondido, CA. More information on ... more ›
March 31, 2013 Chicago
Hotel reservation information for 2013 Chicago Tour A limited number of rooms are available at the following hotels at the rates as shown below. Rates may change if the blocked rooms are filled. Note: We will be updating hotel information periodically (last update: 9 Apr 2013) Fairfield Inn &... more ›
February 25, 2013 San Ramon, CA
AYUDH is a movement of young people who want to lead a life based on universal values. Starting with ourselves, we want to help in generating a future of hope, peace and social engagement while maintaining an awareness of spiritual principles.   A branch of Embracing The World® (ETW), AYUDH... more ›
February 17, 2013 San Ramon, CA
Soil Food Web at the MA Center was a huge success!  More than 50 students attended the week-long seminar on soil ecology with reknowned scientist Dr. Elaine Ingham. From learning how to brew compost tea for achieving the optimal growth of positive microorganisms, to studying the life in soil under... more ›
February 5, 2013 Chicago
Summary Headline - AYUDH Room Project Day AYUDH Members, with the help of their parents and AYUDH Liaisons, did selfless service to clean, organize, and set up MACC AYUDH Room in the Admin building on January 26, 2013.... more ›
January 16, 2013 San Ramon, CA
Amma's Pantry was launched at M.A. Center, San Ramon on New Year's Eve, 2012-13. Amma's Pantry is a new initiative for M.A. Center San Ramon. The program uses a simple model for helping with hunger locally in partnership with the Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano counties. Participants receive a... more ›
January 9, 2013 Chicago
Amrita Bala Kendra (ABK) children of M.A. Center Chicago, representing the Hindu faith, delivered a speech at  the 8th Annual World Peace Day Interfaith Prayer Service program, held on January 1, 2013 at Wentz Concert Hall in Naperville, IL.  Since the theme for the event was “Breaking Down the... more ›
December 28, 2012 Chicago
WE DID IT! Successful TOY DRIVE BY AMRITA BALA KENDRA (CHILDRENS PROGRAM) OF MA CENTER CHICAGO For this holiday season, our Amrita Bala Kendra (ABK) kids decided to embark on a toy drive under the MA Center Chicago banner. They collected 85 toys and 5 books, with... more ›
December 19, 2012 San Diego
Dec 16th, 2012, San Diego. Mother's Kitchen was held at Jayashree and Sekhar's. Volunteers prepared about 165 bagged lunch and delivered to Interfaith Community Services in Escondido, CA. More information on ... more ›
