2015 Holiday Giving

Gift cards for S.A.V.E -
For the past many years, during this season of holidays, M. A. Center community members have donated to the residents of S.A.V.E, in the form of gift cards. This year we are now accepting gift cards, until January 2nd. Please bring your contributions to the ashram on Saturdays. Prefer gift cards of $20, $25 or $30. Target cards work well. Or you could pay the money at the Amma Shop cash register and give the receipt, so that we can buy gift cards for you.
Children's Book Drive -
Books are needed for our Children's Library and Amma's schools in India. What is accepted: Gently used and for all ages, including teens and pre-teens. No text books.
You can bring the books to the bin marked Children's Book Drive, outside the white barn, throughout the month of December.
Please contact sanramonevents@macenters.org if you have any questions.