Amma's Summer Visit to LA in June
February 6, 2016 — southwest

Dear Southern California Brothers and Sisters in Amma,
We are so overjoyed that Amma will be gracing our region with her divine presence this June.
Amma has been coming to So Cal for more than 20 years to embrace all who come to see her. Many things have changed during that time, from the venue, to the size of the program.
With great regret we are announcing that there will be no So Cal Retreat this year as part of Amma's visit. In the past few years, Amma's US Summer Tour Retreats in Seattle and Boston have also been canceled.
Amma is slowly reducing the length of the US Tour in order to spend more time in India, as that is where the majority of the countless institutions she has built are located. And reducing the number of days spent in each (retreat) city was preferable over wholly cancelling the tour stop.
Up until this year, So Cal has hosted the second longest program in the US (after San Ramon). A 3-day public program will mean greater turn-out and an opportunity for those who could not attend the retreat to spend more time with Amma.
We do hope that attendance during each day of the public programs in June will be bigger than ever. We look forward to seeing you!
In Gratitude,
Jagrati, Kaliyyaa & Ravi
SoCal Tour Coordinators