North American News

August 6, 2015 Pacific Northwest Center
With Amma’s Grace, on Wednesday, July 29th, Dayamrita Swami held a Satsang
and performed a Pada Puja at the newest MA Center owned property (the
future home of the MACenter PNW).  Approximately seventy people attended
the celebration which was followed by a dinner outside on... more ›
July 9, 2015 Chicago
"The Ripple Effect"  |  August 6-9, 2015  | M.A. Center Chicago This year, AYUDH Americas is proud to announce "The Ripple Effect." Join in this rare chance for youth to collaborate and set clear, attainable, and important goals for the year to... more ›
June 28, 2015 San Diego
June 26, 2015 — Southern California Dear Amma’s Children of Southern California Pranams to each and every one of you----for your enthusiasm, dedication, and of course, your Selfless Service.  Every moment of our SoCal Amma Tour was filled with your Heartfelt Devotion and Love for... more ›
June 26, 2015 Southern California
Aum Namah Sivaya Dear Amma’s Children of Southern California   Pranams to each and every one of you----for your enthusiasm, dedication, and of course, your Selfless Service.  Every moment of our SoCal Amma Tour was filled with your Heartfelt Devotion and Love for Amma, which in turn extended to... more ›
June 25, 2015 San Ramon
Sunday, June 21st is the first-ever International Yoga Day, dedicated by the UN. To commemorate this day, Amma asked her ashrams, centers and groups all over the world to set aside at least 20 minutes to practice yoga and meditation. Accordingly special yoga sessions were held to raise awareness of... more ›
June 24, 2015 New York
United Nations Academic Impact & Amrita University, United Nations, New York, July 8, 2015   Amma's keynote address:   Amma's keynote address -... more ›
April 21, 2015 San Diego
Amma is coming to Los Angeles Sunday-Thursday, June 14-18, 2015. For more information, please click on the following links: and... more ›
April 8, 2015 Southern California
Click here for photos from our Bollywood Dance Event:
March 19, 2015 San Ramon
The Center's resident birds had company on Saturday, March 14 as the sweet sound of Amma's 108 names filled the early morning air. Volunteers from around the Bay Area started Community Seva Day with meditation and... more ›
March 13, 2015 Southern California
  The MA Center LA Calendar is now online.  You can look up the schedule and events for 3 months at a time.        
