Jan 7: One-Day Retreat with Br. Ramanand

Nearly a hundred devotees from Ontario and Quebec attended a one-day retreat with Br. Ramanand on Saturday, January 7, from 11AM - 5PM.
Some participants traveled all the way from Montreal to join in this much anticipated program. During the retreat, Ramanandji lead the group in Manasa Puja, chanting Amma's Ashtottram (108 names), meditation, bhajans and scriptural discussion.
The scriptural discussion focussed on verses 27 and 30 of Bhaja Govindam, a popular 8th century Sanskrit devotional composition attributed to Adi Shakaracharya. The composition underscores the importance of Bhakti, or devotion to God.
Ramanandji explained that there are two types of Bhakti:
- Apara Bhakti is devotion expressed through physical activities such as rituals, chanting, and acts of charity. These are external practices of devotion that purify the mind.
- Para Bhakti is devotion that goes beyond outward expression, and instead motivates internal practices such as control of the senses and impulses, self-enquiry and discrimination, and mental japa (mantra repetition). These internal practices ultimately lead to samadhi, a state of Silence and Oneness wherein the Self is known.
Following the scriptural discussion, retreat attendees enjoyed a scrumptious lunch prepared by local devotees. After lunch, Ramanandji lead an engaging and edifying Question and Answer session. To read the devotees' questions and the answers provided, please see this News post.
As the sun slowly set, the euphonious sounds of Ramanandji’ s voice rose like the moon, lighting our hearts and souls with melody and memories of Amma. The bhajans sung included: Kattraka Naan, Tiruvadi Thedi, Khol Dhavaza, Lambhodara Pahimam, Gopala Krsna, Only Love, and Amrita Varshini.
The night ended with Arati, the devotees taking turns offering the flame to Amma. With hearts filled with renewed love and knowledge, the retreat participants returned to their homes, eagerly awaiting Ramanandji’s next visit.