Invitation to Saturday Satsangs at the MA Center LA
April 10, 2016 — Southern California

When Amma visited the MA Center LA on June 15th, 2011, before the renovation, she said (excerpts):
"Looking at my children gathered here, Amma feels like many tiny light bulbs have come together. One may not be able to read in the light of one zero-watt bulb, but when several such bulbs come together there is plenty of light. That is the power of unity."
"We should not be like isolated islands; we should always be aware that we are connected to each other like links on a chain. Each of us can be like a 10,000 watt bulb if we could learn to channel the infinite power within us."
We would like to invite you to satsang. It might have been a while since you attended, or perhaps you've never visited the MA Center LA. Come and take a look - relax, enjoy the program, the chanting, kirtans, meditation, dinner, and the company of your fellow devotees.
Satsangs start at 4: 30 PM with Archana, or chanting of the 1,000 Names of the Divine Mother.
You can join us at any point during the evening in case you have a busy schedule.

Here is the full schedule:
Satsang is the MA Center LA on the 1st, 3rd & 4th Saturday of each month.
4:30PM - Archana - 1,000 Names of of the Divine Mother
5:30PM - Satsang will continue with a Video of Amma / or a reading from Awaken Children. We will then Chant the Peace Prayer, followed by the Dedication of Satsang to loved ones in need, followed by the Opening Prayers and the 108 Names of Amma.
6:15PM - We will Sing Kirtans and Bhajans for about an hour (Devotional Songs).
7:30PM - We will sing Arati and wave the Arati flame for Mata Amritanandamayi Devi (Amma), Chant the Amriteshwari Mangalam, have a Silent Meditation and end with closing prayers after the Meditation. Satsang Announcements will be made after the meditation.
8:00PM - A delicious vegetarian meal is served afterwards! Suggested donation for dinner: $6.00 for adults, $4.00 ages 6 - 12, 5 and under no charge.

All Satsangs (Home & Center) will be on Saturdays.
All Satsangs (Home & Center) will Start at 4:30PM with Archana (1000 Names of the Divine Mother)
NEW - Spiritual Movie night starting April 23rd at 9:00pm.
We will screen vintage Amma movies from the early days!
Everyone is welcome! Bring your family and friends! We look forward to seeing you!