April 23, 2018 –
San Diego
April 23, 2018
Hotel Reservation for Southern California, Los Angeles Area Amma Summer 2018 Program
We encourage you to make your hotel reservations as soon as possible to take advantage of the best rate that we were able to negotiate. When you make your room reservations using the special discount... more ›
April 23, 2018 –
San Diego
April 23, 2018
Retreats with Amma can help to intensify our spiritual practices, allowing us to go deeper within ourselves without the distractions of our everyday lives.
There are three retreats this summer as listed below. Register soon because the room accommodations fill up soon. ... more ›
There are three retreats this summer as listed below. Register soon because the room accommodations fill up soon. ... more ›
April 21, 2018 –
Southern California
June 12th through 14th at LAX Hilton Hotel
5711 W. Century Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90405 We welcome all volunteers for Amma’s program. Many positions open! Contact: Tour@AmmaTeam.org to volunteer!
5711 W. Century Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90405 We welcome all volunteers for Amma’s program. Many positions open! Contact: Tour@AmmaTeam.org to volunteer!
April 20, 2018 –
San Diego
April 19, 2018, San Diego, CA. Thirty people attended the San Diego Amrita Yoga retreat at Dr Weng’s house in La Mesa conducted by Bramacharini Shobana, who directs the Amrita Yoga program in Amma... more ›
April 16, 2018 –
Amma's Victoria Tree Planting Seva
You are invited Friday, April 20th, to help prepare the land for planting trees at a Saanich farm.
Please meet at 10am at Vijaya and John's home, 2424 Heron Street. We will carpool from there.... more ›
April 10, 2018 –
Ocala, FL
Remember: you can’t “throw anything away”. There is no “AWAY”! There’s no “DISPOSABLE” either!
Carry your own bags to every store. When buying loose produce, I use EVERT-FRESH GREEN BAGS. (... more ›
April 10, 2018 –
Athens, GA
In addition to taking the Reduction Challenge and implementing more recycling opportunities at the location where our Satsang meets, at the Healing Arts Centre, we are in the process of forming an alliance with Jubilee Partners:
Jubilee... more ›