February 27, 2018 –
Atlanta, U.S.A.
MATT VENUTI is a singer/songwriter who plays rare and captivating acoustic and electronic musical instruments. His songs, stories, spoken word and instrumental music have earned him the accolades of many world-wide fans. He’s one of the premier players of this new breed of... more ›
February 22, 2018 –
Atlanta, U.S.A.
Message from Amma’s Disciples in North America:
Aum Amriteswaryai Namah!
Darling Children of Amma,
GreenFriends of North America has initiated an important project inspired by Amma, to begin the process of reducing and eliminating the amount of waste generated at the... more ›
February 22, 2018 –
Atlanta, U.S.A.
Source reduction is the prevention of environmental pollution before it happens
This goes beyond recycling, i.e., limit what we use in the first place.
This requires discrimination in our choices of what to use and what to buy in our lives.
o "Reduce or reuse... more ›
February 19, 2018 –
Toronto, Canada
A holy night of worship and prayers honouring Lord Shiva
On Tuesday, February 13, 2017, at 7:00 PM, devotees gathered in Toronto to celebrate Maha Shivaratri, the Great Night of Lord Shiva. On this night, the moon wanes to a... more ›
February 19, 2018 –
New England
If you have ever cooked and served in Mother's Kitchen, surely you have experienced the joy of sharing Amma's Love and Compassion through the gifting of a hot, home cooked meal. On the day of Amma's... more ›
February 19, 2018 –
New England
A big thanks to all who helped make Amma's food drive a huge success on Mother's birthday! People were so generous, bringing items such as cases of soups, bags of rice, and cases of jarred sauce. This was the most food collected for Amma's birthday in New England, ever! As food was being brought on... more ›
February 1, 2018 –
Toronto, ON
Toronto Amrita Bala Kendra celebrates eight years of service
On Saturday, January 27, the Toronto chapter of Amrita Bala Kendra celebrated eight years of community outreach and service with a special satsang.... more ›
January 10, 2018 –
Toronto, Canada
AYUDH Toronto delivers help to youth in need
To celebrate the joy of giving, Toronto chapter of AYUDH has been running a... more ›
To celebrate the joy of giving, Toronto chapter of AYUDH has been running a... more ›
January 9, 2018 –
Toronto, Canada
An Amma Family Christmas
Christmas day is celebrated on December 25 around the world, commemorating the birthday of Jesus Christ. It is believed that Christ descended to the earth to uplift humanity, and bring people to the path of spirituality. Jesus transformed the world through His message of... more ›
January 5, 2018 –
Atlanta, U.S.A.
Aum Amriteswaryai Namah,
AYUDH Atlanta believes that tackling the global issue of hunger begins with a profound awareness about our local hunger, consumption, and food wastage at an individual level. Our chapter researched the facts on hunger in the Georgia region and created this informational... more ›