North American News

June 3, 2017 Atlanta, U.S.A.
Amma’s programs all around the world are now including some new measures:   1. We are introducing a Bag Drop Counter at the entrance to the Hall where everyone will be asked to leave any backpack-or-larger bags before they enter the hall. You will be able to have access to your bag at anytime... more ›
June 1, 2017 Southern California
Hotel Registration 
Due to a large demand for more hotel rooms during Amma's SoCal Program, MA Center has negotiated and now have more rooms for Amma's children at Hilton LAX at AMMA discount rate. The deadline for making reservations is also extended ... more ›
May 31, 2017 Atlanta, U.S.A.
How can I help? 1)  You can invite your friends, family and co-workers. At the end of this message is an introduction to Amma with links for more information. You can email the introduction along with the attached ... more ›
May 23, 2017 San Ramon, CA
This year, in an effort to keep up with the global increase in security around public figures, including Amma, there are some new safety measures being implemented for the entire tour. These security measures are already in effect for Amma’s recent and current tours in India, Indonesia,... more ›
May 23, 2017 Toronto, Canada
Offerings of pure love to Amma on Mother's Day This Mother's Day, Amma's children in Toronto each had a special offering to give to their Amma. There were beautiful yellow and red roses to adorn the altar, and Amma's feet during archana. For prasad, there were fruits and vegetables artfully carved... more ›
May 10, 2017 Toronto, Canada
Amma’s Toronto devotees were blessed with a satsang with Br. Ramanand on Saturday, May 6 at 6:30 PM. After opening prayers, Br. Ramanand led the devotees through a guided meditation, relaxing every part... more ›
May 2, 2017 Toronto, Canada
The results are in: the most effective promoter of Amma's North American tour is YOU!
An exit poll performed last year by Amma's Pacific Northwest satsang groups found that 76% of all newcomers heard of Amma's program by word of mouth. That is more than all other forms of... more ›
April 24, 2017 Toronto, Canada
Toronto is blessed to host Amma for three public programs, a retreat and Guru Purnima this year
After much anticipation, Amma's summer North American tour dates have been announced! Amma will be in Toronto from Friday, July 7 to Monday, July 10 and will... more ›
March 31, 2017 New England
  Circle of Love Inside: Our Amma’s Prison Outreach Book by Savitri Bess   Don't be discouraged by your incapacity to dispel darkness from the world. Light your candle and step forward."--Amma   At the Boston program in 2015, Amma gave a joyous and enthusiastic “Yes,” when I asked if she... more ›
March 28, 2017 New England
  "A flower has such a short life span, and yet it offers itself wholeheartedly to others."  ~Amma AYUDH Boston came together on March 3rd, 2017, to learn about sustainable gardening and plant herb and vegetable gardens out of recycled materials.  The evening began with some reflection on... more ›
