North American News

January 1, 2019 Toronto, Canada
Changing our attitude is what makes the New Year fresh On Saturday, December 29, Amma's Toronto Satsang enjoyed a special satsang with Br. Ramanand, just before the start of a New Year - 2019. In his discourse, Ramanandji asked the devotees: What... more ›
December 19, 2018 Toronto, Canada
Wrapping up smiles and reflecting of richness
On Saturday, December 8, three AYUDH Toronto members and one mentor took part in a gift wrapping seva held at Salvation Army at 160 Jarvis Street, in downtown... more ›
December 6, 2018 Toronto, Canada
Youth supporting youth in need This holiday season, the Toronto chapter of AYUDH is proud to be running a Holiday Gift Drive in support of Youth Without Shelter... more ›
November 27, 2018 Toronto, Canada
Parliament of World Religions – Toronto November 1-7, 2018 The Parliament of World Religions (PoWR) met in Toronto from November 1 to 7, 2018. The first PoWR met in 1893 in the city of Chicago, and was the first organized interfaith gathering.  It was at this very gathering that... more ›
November 20, 2018 Toronto, Canada
Serving with love and awareness
On Saturday, November 17, six members of the Toronto chapter of AYUDH and two mentors returned to... more ›
November 18, 2018 Vancouver, B.C.
All Amma's birthdays are auspicious occasions but this year was her 65th birthday! We prepared enthusiastically for a special celebration. A beautiful altar was created and a devoted group gathered in an intimate setting to chant the 108 names in praise of Devi, sing bhajans, reflect on her... more ›
November 18, 2018 Vancouver, B.C.
One of Amma's senior disciples, Swami Dayamrita's annual visits to Vancouver is a much anticipated and always uplifting event that everyone looks forward to. He comes bearing gifts of teaching stories, messages from Amma, and his unstincting support for all the satsangs in his care. This year, like... more ›
November 18, 2018 San Ramon, CA
It was harvesting time at the ashram, and the young apple trees were full of offerings.  The community came together to start November off by harvesting apples in Amma's orchard.  Most these apples will be used for Ammas prasad for her upcoming Novemeber visit.  Ammas children of all ages helped... more ›
November 5, 2018 Ann Arbor
Amma Center of Michigan has five AYUDH rockstars, all cousins, who decided to forgo Taco Bell for one year, and donate those savings, a total of $1108, to Amma’s November U.S. Tour in Detroit.  Naren, Prashant, Arun (in photo from left to right), Jay and Priya (not in photo as they live in... more ›
November 5, 2018 ann arbor
Amma has raised our awareness about conservation and being part of an enduring ecosystem.  Trees are a critical part of conservation since they provide habitat for numerous birds, small animals, wildflowers and understory growth.  But in recent years, tree loss has increased by approximately 50%... more ›
