North American News

March 6, 2019 Toronto, Canada
AYUDH share their warmth on the Coldest Night of the Year On Saturday, February 23, five AYUDH Toronto members participated in the Coldest Night of the Year (CNOY) walkathon, to raise funds for charities that serve people who are hungry, hurting, or homeless in... more ›
March 3, 2019 Seattle
Amma’s kids in Seattle got together this winter to put together 50 snack packs for the homeless, that will be distributed through Mother’s Kitchen. It was a fun activity enjoyed both by kids and parents. We will be holding these events every quarter. The children poured a lot of love and wishes... more ›
February 28, 2019 Chicago
Amma says, “Lending a helping hand to a neglected soul, feeding the hungry, giving a compassionate smile to the sad and dejected - this is the real language of religion.” The Amrita Bala Kendra (ABK) program at MA Center Chicago officially turned 10 this year on January 31, 2019. Since ABK is... more ›
February 19, 2019 Ann Arbor
The day began at 6:30 a.m for Alisha Rucker, a 7 year old, first-grader from Achieve Charter Academy in Canton, Michigan.  Her mother, Shreeja Rucker, said that Alisha was so excited to volunteer for the Valentine’s Day lunch at the Staples Family Center for the homeless in Ann Arbor, that she got... more ›
January 31, 2019 Chicago
In honor of Amma’s 65th birthday, dozens of bird- and bee-friendly trees were planted at MA Center Chicago in the weeks leading up to winter, including Hawthorne, Burr Oak, Service Berry, Box Elder, and American Linden trees. A dedicated team of local volunteers gathered every weekend to plant the... more ›
January 31, 2019 Chicago
Amma has said that Nature is out of balance because of humanity’s actions, and that we need to take bold action to greatly reduce practices that are detrimental to our planet’s precious ecosystems, giving Mother Nature an opportunity to restore balance. Some years ago, Amma asked that we begin to... more ›
January 12, 2019 New England
Dear Friends, This summer, for the 32nd year in a row, Amma will again visit the New England area to offer her solace and support to all who seek it. In 2019, these two days of programs are expected to cost upwards of $75,000. A handful of volunteers from New England are working... more ›
January 4, 2019 Chicago
Food forests produce an abundance of perennial foods by mimicking the patterns of natural forests and local biomes. The MA Center Chicago food forest recently received some TLC in the form of cardboard and straw applied to its hügelkultur mound to help prepare it for planting in the spring. Our... more ›
January 4, 2019 Toronto, Canada
AYUDH Toronto finish 2018 by giving
The Toronto chapter of AYUDH closed 2018 by helping youth in need at Youth Without Shelter (YWS). Throughout the month of December, AYUDH Toronto collected donations of much needed essentials for the homeless youth, such... more ›
January 2, 2019 San Ramon, CA
Program Guide 2019 - Support Amma's Summer Tour  The Program Guide effort is over for 2019 - Big thank you to all those who contributed so generously. The Tour-city teams are looking ahead to Amma's 2019 summer visit - Join the excitement and anticipation of Amma's Tour. Help the... more ›
