Amma's 2019 Toronto Program: Spread the Word!

The results are in: the most effective promoter of Amma's Toronto Program is YOU!
An exit poll performed in 2016 by Amma's Pacific Northwest satsang groups found that 76% of all newcomers heard of Amma's program by word of mouth. That is more than all other forms of advertising combined. Amma has expressed that she would like to see more newcomers at the Toronto program. Together, we can make Amma's wish come true.
Here are three things you can do:
- Invite Friends: "Hi Maya, you have heard me talk about Amma. She will be in Toronto, July 15 - 18. I hope to see you there. Call me and I can tell you the quietest times or when to come to hear great music."
- Facebook & Twitter: Post or tweet this flyer and this web link now. Share posts you like from Amma's Facebook page. Keep posting about matters related to Amma's upcoming visit - mention your volunteer assignments (e.g. "So excited to be a Greeter at Amma's programs"), send countdown messages (e.g. "Amma will be here in 6 days, 3 days...") or tweet how to get to the program venue from wherever you live. Use hashtags in your social media posts. For Amma’s 2019 North American Tour, the hashtags are: #Amma and #2019NATour.
- Postering: Print five (or more!) copies of this flyer. (Colour copies of the flyer are also available to pick up after satsang). Place flyers in businesses you frequent. You know best where to find more people just like you.