Creating fear and respect in order to teach obedience cannot be called disciplining. True constructive disciplining takes place when love is allowed to blossom.
When our mental outlook improves, the state of the environment will also improve.
The agony caused by the longing to see God is not sorrow; it is bliss. The state that we attain by calling and crying to God is equal to the bliss that the yogi experiences in samadhi.
Unfortunately, the only meaning that society attributes to life today is an opportunity to make money.
When we perceive goodness in everything, we will be filled with God's grace. That grace is the source of all success in life.
In every stone exists a latent image. When the sculptor chisels away all the unwanted parts, the image emerges. That beautiful form is born because the stone offers itself to the artist, sitting patiently before him or her for a long time.
Concentration and love are one - like two sides of a coin. Love should be there if you want concentration.