
We are not isolated islands, we are connected links in a chain. Each kind word, each smiling face, each good action, benefits our neighbor, our nation, and our world.
Once we develop the attitude that "I am love, the embodiment of love," then we need not wander in search of peace for peace will come in search of us.
We should be willing to take action, without waiting to see whether or not anyone will be there to help us.
Only those who are humble can receive God's grace.  In someone who perceives God's presence in everything, there is no room for the ego.  So the first quality we need to develop within ourselves is humility.
An artist paints with focus; the painting becomes complete only through ekagrata (one-pointedness). Similarly, whatever is our goal, we need focus on that to make it complete.
Change is possible only through action.
There is no human being who doesn't possess at least one divine quality.
The mind always has expectations. In order to experience pure consciousness, this nature of the mind must disappear.
