
When we take each step forward with positive thoughts and a smile, all good qualities will come to us and fill our being.  Then God cannot possibly stay away from us.
An artist paints with focus; the painting becomes complete only through ekagrata (one-pointedness). Similarly, whatever is our goal, we need focus on that to make it complete.
Those who know the Self are always compassionate. They wish to see society thrive in peace and harmony.
There is no human being who doesn't possess at least one divine quality.
What we need is peace of mind. We can gain that only through the control of our mind.
To face different situations in life with presence of mind and mental poise, first we have to train the mind.
You need not be wealthy or in a high position in order to console the suffering. A loving word, a compassionate glance, a helping hand - that's enough to help someone.
In today's world, human beings are dying and human machines are taking birth.
