2018 Tree Planting Gift for Amma - participate until December 20

Trees for Amma’s birthday - participate until December 20
Our goal for this project is to plant trees all over North America, in honor of our beloved Amma’s birthday. We are happy to report that many devotees are responding with joy and enthusiasm.
You can still participate! Amma’s birthday has passed, and the pledge period has ended, but you still have until Dec. 20th to plant trees and have them counted. Let’s see if we can plant more than 1,500 trees to delight our beautiful, compassionate and ever-giving Amma!
As of Sept. 28th, 187 people (plus one group) have pledged to plant 1,060 trees. And 120 trees have already been planted!
Trees are being planted in many states and provinces, including Arizona, British Columbia, California, Colorado, Connecticut, DC, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Ontario, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Quebec, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin. We even have pledges from Odisha and Kerala, India!
Use this form to report how many trees you planted by Dec. 20th. You are welcome to report the trees you planted whether or not you made a pledge. (Note: Trees planted during a satsang work party should be reported only by the organizer of the event, on the same form.)
For interesting articles, videos and information, (e.g. how to plant a tree, and how to plant trees if you have no land) please check out the new tree-planting section of the GreenFriends-North America Resources page.
We welcome your tree-planting stories or photos! Please send them to greenfriendsna@ammagroups.org. GreenFriends North America web site: www.greenfriendsna.org
With gratitude to Amma, and prayers for Mother Earth and World Peace GreenFriends North America - project of Embracing of the World