Christmas Baskets for Five Families in Need

This year, in conjunction with Quest, we shopped for, gift wrapped, and delivered items on the wish-lists of 5 young families in particular need this season. With lots of teamwork, and plenty of good cheer, we managed to fill our own hearts along with the gift hampers we put together. The good feelings just seemed to multiply starting from the people recommending the families, to the shoppers, to the wrappers, and finally to those giving out the hampers..... a lovely experience for all of us, and one we hope will become an annual event for us.
Quest is British Columbia’s largest not-for-profit food exchange program. Quest provides access to affordable and healthy food choices for those who qualify. Quest recieves large donations of food from food suppliers then works with social service agencies to provide a hub of food redistribution - an essentail program for marginalized individuals as they transition towards self-sufficiency. In 2012 Quest distributed an impressive $5 million dollars worth of food.