About Us

The Amma Vancouver spiritual group, or satsang, embraces Amma's teachings of compassion, devotion, love and service. We are a diverse group from different cultural and religious backgrounds and ages. Our activities are open to all and we extend a warm welcome to you to join our spiritual gatherings (satsangs), and volunteer activities.
The Vancouver satsang is part of the Pacific Northwest Amma community.
We gather to share spiritual practices - on the last weekend of the month at a member's home. At our spiritual gathering, or satsang, we chant Amma's 108 names, listen to a reading from Amma's teachings, sing beautiful devotional songs or bhajans, offer the arati flame, pray, and have a short un-guided meditation, followed by announcements of upcoming group activities and conversation. At the home-based satsang we also share a delicious vegetarian meal. At satsang, if desired, donations may be made to support Amma's charitable activities.
We have special celebrations for Guru Purnima, Amma’s birthday, New Year’s Eve and when Amma's senior disciples visit Vancouver and lead satsangs.
We offer instruction in Amma's meditation technique. Our instructors teach the Integrated Amrita Meditation (IAM) course & IAM refreshers regularly. For more information on IAM course offerings please email AmmaVancouver@gmail.com.
We show our dedication to nurturing the natural environment by planting trees through municipal programs and individual efforts.
We welcome you to attend Vancouver Satsang activities and meet a community of people who practice Amma's teachings. Join us as we find joy in singing, meditating, and sharing the gift of service.