Amma’s 2014 Birthday Celebration at M.A. Center San Ramon

See Slideshow of Amma's Birthday Celebration at M.A. Center San Ramon
On a beautiful sunny balmy Saturday September 27th, Amma’s 2014 Birthday Celebration at M.A. Center San Ramon overflowed with devotion, fellowship and fun. In the morning hundreds of people attended the Pada Puja performed by Br. Dayamrita Chaitanya, which set the tone for the day. Archana (chanting of the Thousand Names of Divine Mother) continued throughout the day. After a morning chai break, many attendees returned to Amrita Hall for a class featuring IAM-Youth, IAM-Teen and IAM–20, a version of Integrated Amrita Meditation, which can be done in twenty minutes. In the afternoon, a large group were delighted to participate in a Bhajan class taught by Swarna. Throughout the afternoon some people leisurely strolled in the beautiful Ashram setting, while others explored some of the many activities available.
Many attendees visited the GreenFriends Farm (GFF) table where they were offered advice on fruit tree cultivation, timing for harvesting apples and other fruit and information on volunteering with GFF. Bags of clothing were received at the AYUDH table (the international youth wing of Embracing the World, a global network of charitable activities created by Amma). AYUDH collected a large amount of good clean clothes and shoes and hope to collect more donations to give free clothing to the homeless, for a one-day only, pop-up store planned in December.
It was a special day for attendees who enjoy crafts, as the Craft Guild offered Knitting, Ceramics and Clay (with clay from the Ashram grounds) AYUDH plastic project and Trash Fashion with Nistula. The Craft Guild taught numerous people to knit during Amma's Birthday Celebration. Sculptors and potters made bowls and Ganesh figures. Nistula demonstrated how to make a utility vest and a fanny pack out of recycled rice bags collected from the ashram kitchens. AYUDH taught the art of fused plastic and made several tote bags from recycled cast off plastic. The Craft Guild had its own sales table as part of The Amma Shop and sold birdhouses, mugs, sculptures, aprons, hats and scarves, all made by satsang artisans, during the birthday celebration.
The traditional Birthday Card Making for Amma was again a popular event, which allowed those of all ages to apply their creativity in crafting a special birthday message to Amma.
Information tables provided attendees with the opportunity to sign-up for the Immortal Bliss e-Magazine, Mother’s Kitchen, Amma’s Pantry and information about visiting Amritapuri. A separate table offered Ayurveda information to attendees.
The Seva Sign-Up Table was busy all day offering opportunities for volunteers to be of service in the future and this day, to help make the day a successful event by offering to do veggie chopping, pot washing, chair set-up and much more.
At 3:00 pm, Amma’s 2014 Birthday Pada Puja performed in Amritapuri, just 20 hours earlier was rebroadcast and presented in Amrita Hall via video on the large screen enabling all to see this special Amritavarsham 61 event.
Amrita Bala Kendra offered many activities such as Henna Hand Painting plus sign-up for membership. At 3:30 pm attendees were treated to a talent show in Amrita Hall, as young people of many ages offered special music and other performances.
Attendees gathered in Amrita Hall at 4:30 pm for Archana as the start of the special Birthday Evening Program for Amma, which then continued, with a Satsang (spiritual talk) by Br. Dayamrita Chaitanya plus a Navratri Puja and enthralling Bhajans and Arati.
As is the tradition, Amma’s Birthday Dinner, which was delicious, was served outside with a uniquely decorated and very tasty Birthday Cake for all. The very appreciated “Bhajans on the Porch” continued into the night to the delight of all.