Swami Ramakrishnananda's Summer Tour

Swami Ramakrishnananda Puri will be traveling throughout the United States from August 11 - September 15. He will be giving spiritual talks, leading devotional singing and holding one day retreats.
With characteristic wit and lively examples, Swamiji has a captivating way of sharing his experiences and profound spiritual insights, gleaned from over three decades of life as a disciple. He met Amma in 1978 and soon after came to live at her ashram in India.
He has been traveling around the globe with Amma since her first world tour in 1987. These days, he spends most of his time visiting Amma's ashrams and centers around the world; leading retreats, giving discourses, conducting yoga and meditation classes, and organizing the many disaster relief and charitable activities of the organization.
M.A. Center Chicago
1025 Clinton Street, Carrollton TX from 7:30-9pm
M.A. Center San Ramon
Seattle Program from 5-8pm
M. A. Center D.C. - Potomac, MD
DC One day retreat at the M.A. Center D.C. - Potomac, MD
Boston Public Program - M.A. Center New England
Atlanta Public Program
Atlanta One day retreat.