Swami Dayamrita in Vancouver , May 6th 2018

One of Amma's senior disciples, Swami Dayamrita's annual visits to Vancouver is a much anticipated and always uplifting event that everyone looks forward to.
He comes bearing gifts of teaching stories, messages from Amma, and his unstincting support for all the satsangs in his care.
This year, like years past, were filled with beautiful bhajans, spiritual companionship and the friendship of the musicians who travelled with him from Seattle. A delicious vegetarian meal was servered followed by a fun filled and raucous raffle draw.
A great big thank you to the many volunteers who cooked and cleaned, created the beautiful alter, made generous donations and helped with the cleanup. Without this team work, the event would not have been possible as people came from Victoria and the Sunshine Coast, BC and Seattle, USA.