North American News

March 16, 2020 Dallas, Texas
Due to urgent public health concerns regarding the COVID-19 outbreak, MA Center Dallas is now closed to all visitors and volunteers until further notice. All programs at the center are cancelled. Due to the rapidly changing nature of this situation, this precautionary measure is essential. Thank... more ›
March 5, 2020 Dallas, Texas
Amma will be gracing us again this summer with a program in the Dallas area. This program is made possible by generous participation from people like you. The Program Guide effort raises funds that helps in organizing these programs. Opportunities are available to place an ad in the 2020 Program... more ›
March 5, 2020 Atlanta
Amma is coming to Atlanta - Summer 2020
Please support Amma's Visit to Atlanta Dear Friends, Amma will be gracing us again this summer with a program in the Atlanta area. This program is made possible by generous participation from people like you. The Program Guide effort... more ›
March 3, 2020 San Ramon, CA
The upcoming Amrita Silent Retreat Immersion at MA Center San Ramon that was scheduled for March 13-15 has been canceled. Due to a change in Br. Dayamrita Chaitanya's travel schedule, he is unable to lead the retreat. Stay tuned for rescheduled... more ›
March 3, 2020 Dallas, Texas
Shivaratri was celebrated at the MA Center Dallas on the 21st of February, 2020.
Br. Shantamrita Chaitanya performed Shiva Puja, Linga abhishekam and sang devotional songs in praise of Lord Shiva.
The entire atmosphere was surcharged with energetic vibes as the devotional chants and... more ›
March 2, 2020 Ann Arbor, MI
Winter of 1999, with Amma's blessings, Br. Dayamrita Chaitanya officially inaugurated the Amma Center of Michigan, in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Subsequently that year, Amma conducted Her first Michigan program in Ann Arbor. Twenty years have gone by, many cherished members of our Amma family... more ›
February 19, 2020 Southern California
In June of 2020 our charitable organization will be holding an event in the Los Angeles Area with over 10,000 expected attendees. Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi (Amma), an internationally renowned humanitarian leader and spiritual teacher, will lead the programs. The programs are spiritual... more ›
February 7, 2020 San Ramon, CA
PROGRAM GUIDE FUNDRAISER 2020 TO SUPPORT AMMA'S TOUR Thank you all for your participation. We have stopped accepting ads for this year.
You can continue to support this Fundraiser without ads....
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February 3, 2020 Toronto, Canada
AYUDH TO returns to serve the homeless On Sunday, January 12, four members of the Toronto chapter of AYUDH and three mentors returned to St. Felix Centre for the fourth time,... more ›
January 23, 2020 San Ramon, CA
Immerse Yourself in Bhajans - Music Retreat at MA Center San Ramon Playing bhajans can be daunting: You desire to be part of the music that is so soul inspiring, yet may be wondering where to begin or how to improve. The heart opening musical experience of devotional music beckons you to learn. The... more ›
