North American News

April 15, 2020 Toronto, Canada
Apr 15: Virtual Satsang with Swami Atmananda
Kindly use the link below to watch the Virtual Satsang with Swami Atmananda. This satsang first aired on April 15, 2020
OM Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu ~ May All... more ›
April 12, 2020 Toronto, Canada
Apr 10: Virtual Satsang with Swamini Amritajyoti Prana (in French)
Kindly use the link below to watch the Virtual Satsang with Swamini Amritajyoti Prana (in French). This satsang first aired on April 10, 2020 more ›
April 9, 2020 Santa Fe, NM
AMMA Center of NM is Closed Due to urgent public health concerns regarding the COVID-19 outbreak, the AMMA Center temple, ashram and grounds are all closed until further notice. All programs at the center are cancelled. Due to the rapidly changing nature of this situation, this precautionary... more ›
April 8, 2020 Toronto, Canada
Apr 8: Virtual Satsang with Swami Shantamritananda
Kindly use the link below to watch the Virtual Satsang with Swami Shantamritananda. This satsang first aired on April 8, 2020
OM Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu ~... more ›
April 8, 2020 New York
Recognizing the desire of our community to meet together in Satsang within the guidelines prescribed to keep us safe, many of our satsangs are now meeting virtually. The virtual Satsangs happening the NY/NJ area and the call-in information are as listed below. New York Call-in Chanting... more ›
April 6, 2020 Illinois
AMMA'S 2020 NORTH AMERICA TOUR POSTPONED - MESSAGE FROM SWAMIJI Aum Amriteshwaryai Namaha, As the Corona virus weaves the future right before our eyes, hopes for Amma’s Summer Tour are fading faster and faster every day. Now it seems to be an impossibility to conduct it as per the usual schedule,... more ›
April 6, 2020 Seattle
Aum Amriteshwaryai Namaha, As the Corona virus weaves the future right before our eyes, hopes for Amma’s Summer Tour are fading faster and faster every day. Now it seems to be an impossibility to conduct it as... more ›
April 6, 2020 San Ramon, CA
Amma's 2020 North America Tour Postponed - Message from Swamiji Aum Amriteshwaryai Namaha, As the Corona virus weaves the future right before our eyes, hopes for Amma’s Summer Tour are fading faster and faster every day. Now it seems to be an impossibility to conduct it as per the usual schedule,... more ›
April 6, 2020 Santa Fe, NM
Amma's 2020 US Tour Postponed From Swami Dayamrita: "Aum Amriteshwaryai Namaha, As the Corona virus weaves the future right before our eyes, hopes for Amma’s Summer Tour are fading faster and faster every day. Now it seems to be an impossibility to conduct it as per the usual schedule, so I am... more ›
April 6, 2020 Toronto, Canada
Apr 5: Virtual Satsang with Swami Shubhamritananda
Kindly use the link below to watch the Virtual Satsang with Swami Shubhamritananda. This satsang first aired on April 5, 2020
OM Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu ~... more ›
