ETW Relief Efforts for NorCal Fires & Puerto Rico at MA Center San Ramon

Embracing the World Volunteers donate Supplies to Victims of the NorCal Fires- Starts Collection of goods for the Relief Efforts in Puerto Rico
On Sunday, Oct. 15th, Embracing the World volunteers headed to the Sonoma County Fairgrounds to deliver donations that were collected at MA Center San Ramon for the hundreds of evacuees of the NorCal fires that had been housed there. Blankets, masks, food, water, and more were graciously received by local volunteers at the site.
Here is their report from the 15th.
“We arrived in Santa Rosa by 9 am this morning (Sunday, Oct. 15th), and were able to successfully deliver the supplies. They accepted everything, and the Gatorade, water and blankets were all going to the firefighters camping out in the hills at night. They must be running low on supplies as well...
We were able to make a good assessment of the situation on the ground. The Sonoma Fairgrounds is where the majority of evacuees are staying - there are hundreds of sleeping cots set up very close together in the main pavilion. Tents and campers are also set up in the parking lots and large farm animals are being kept there as well. Army guards are on watch 24/7 to keep out trouble. And it also looks to be the main station for the firefighting efforts as we saw hundreds of fire trucks in the lots.
Once we unloaded the goods, we helped with sorting donations, but it looks like they would definitely use some more help. There is truly a sense of appreciation for the volunteers that come - thank-you signs are everywhere and everyone we spoke with was expressing this gratitude. An evacuee mentioned to Kalidas that firefighters have come in from all over the country and the world.”
Update: Monday, Oct. 23rd: Although the fires are under control and evacuees have been released from the Fairgrounds, we will continue to be in contact with local relief volunteers to determine what other services and help might be needed moving forward - especially in light of the fact that many people have lost their homes.
Volunteers for Embracing the World have also launched a collection drive at MA Center San Ramon to support relief efforts in Puerto Rico. The following items are needed and can be brought to Amrita Hall during the Saturday programs on Oct. 28th and Nov. 4th.
Canned goods especially beans, Rice, Protein Bars, Dried fruits (not bulk), Nuts and seeds (not bulk), Water cases/boxes, Hand sanitizer, Diapers, Feminine Hygiene Products, Baby formula, Baby wipes, Pet food, Toiletries, Toilet paper, Paper towels and plates. Flashlights and matching batteries, Disposable utensils, Battery lamps and matching batteries. NO CLOTHING PLEASE