Mother's Garden - Get Growing Initiative

How I made 'Mother's Garden, as related by Pavana, one of Amma's devotees.
"We moved to Nevada City about 4 years ago and built a custom home with solar panels and super energy efficiency measures. We planted over 35 trees on the property (per Amma's instruction) and this year we planted 4 fruit trees. We were finally ready to plant our first vegetable garden on our property and I wanted to learn Amma's teachings on the matter. With this in mind, I attended the Get Growing organic gardening class at MA Center this last spring, and used the book "Get Growing" (by Green Friends) as our reference.
We decided to dedicate the vegetable garden area to Amma and we had a sign made that says Mother's Garden. I started some plants from seed during the class and other plants were put into the ground around May 1st. We are in June now and the first veggies and flowers are arriving now. A mosaic art ball that has the Aum symbol on top will sit in a birdbath near the vegetable garden. There will be two benches below Mother's sign and facing the bird bath for meditation."
Inspired by Amma, Get Growing is a hands-on course that teaches how to grow your own healthy food, easily and successfully in whatever space you have available - be it a piece of land, garden, paved yard or balcony.
If you wish to participate in this initiative aimed at sustainability, please contact