Moving Experiences from "AMMA's HANDS"

When we serve, it’s important to be an open channel, without expectations or an agenda. Our hearts must connect to God and give freely, in pure love. We never know how our presence will affect those receiving.
We saw four elders on our first day at Amma’s Hands, all of whom were at the very end stages of life. They were all on wheel chairs and couldn’t communicate, move, or even eat on their own. They were usually sleeping, and sometimes would wake up making sounds as if they were in pain.
When we started the healings, two of the elders started moving more vigorously right away. After a few minutes, the sounds of struggle stopped, and their facial expressions changed as if they were dreaming. And they started smiling! What a wonderful thing!
One other elder, with all her gathered strength, would slowly bring the hands of her healer to her lips, and would try to kiss them. She did this several times. It was so moving.
We truly never know the effect we will have on those we serve. But if we can bring at least a smile to their suffering faces, it is already pure Grace.
~ Ziba Woods
When I heard about Prajna’s group that was starting to work with elders near the end of their lives, I was immediately drawn to it. After my first experience with the elders today, I feel like I have much to learn from them. It was enlightening to see the extent of solitude that arises when one cannot express oneself to be understood verbally, and when one becomes too weak physically to participate in our society’s busy quests. It was immensely rewarding to connect with these elders in a way that goes beyond our usual means of contact. The simple act of being with these elders is really much needed and appreciated as they often don’t get any visitors anymore. I was profoundly touched by the presence of the elders I spent time with today. And it wasdelightful to work with this beautiful group of dedicated healers through Amma’s grace!
~Susanne Weinman
It’s the perfect time of year here in New England to start a project like this. Fall is at our door, and we are all trying to soak up the last few strong rays of warm sunny days, storing light for the cooler and darker days of the coming seasons. We all make an effort to gather and store right now in preparation for months ahead, may we all have enough to share. Be it food, hope, love or compassion.
For the elders we visit, bringing in light, warmth and sunshine can bring comfort to ease loneliness and light where there may be darkness. It was a comfort to me to know I can, and do make a difference with such a small act of kindness. The delivery of unconditional love, given freely without expectation promotes joy and opens the door to compassion. With gratitude and an open heart I’m thankful to be on the path with other volunteers in this beautiful project.
Much love and light to all,
~Cath F