2024 Retreat with Swami Amritaswarupananda and Amma's North American Disciples

A Divine Journey: Three Days of Spiritual Immersion with Swami Amritaswarupananda
In a transformative three-day retreat, participants enjoyed the presence of Swami Amritaswarupananda Puri, whose wisdom, soulful bhajans, and infectious humor created an atmosphere of profound spiritual connection and joy. The retreat included Amma’s North American disciples – Swami Dayamritananda Puri, Swamini Ambikamrita Prana, and Br. Ramanandamrita Chaityana and offered a perfect blend of traditional teachings, devotional practices, and community celebration.
Day One: A Traditional Welcome
The retreat began with Swamiji's arrival, marked by a traditional Kerala-style welcome ceremony. Long-term ashram residents and local Amma devotees offered heartfelt greetings. The evening featured Swamiji's bhajan session, where his soul-stirring singing—not heard since Amma's summer visit—opened hearts and lifted spirits. The musical atmosphere was enhanced by accompaniment from Amma's world tour musicians and AYUDH Chicago performers.
In a touching gesture, Swamiji distributed special prasad sent by Amma specifically for those attending the program. The day concluded with a communal dinner lovingly prepared by MACC kitchen devotees. Participants then retired for the evening, their hearts full of anticipation for the days ahead.
Day Two: Deep Spiritual Immersion
The second day began with an early morning session of archana (devotional chanting), followed by refreshing chai and an energizing Amrita Yoga session. After breakfast, Swami Dayamritananda guided participants through a soothing meditation.
The day's teachings centered around the Sivaparadha Kshamapana stotram, a sacred text focused on forgiveness. Br. Ramanandamrita instructed participants in proper Sanskrit pronunciation, preparing them for deeper contemplation of the ancient verses. Swamiji's subsequent talk on "Forgiveness: A Path to Spiritual Unfoldment" wove together personal anecdotes and deep wisdom, followed by an enlightening Q&A session with Swami Dayamritananda.
After lunch and a rest period, the afternoon featured another scriptural session led by Swamiji, followed by Br. Ramanandamrita's guided meditation which was accompanied by transcendent flute music. The evening included another uplifting bhajan session.
The night transformed into a joyous celebration with Amma-themed games, including musical charades. Swamiji added to the festivities by encouraging impromptu dance performances from the game hosts and participants. The day concluded with Swamiji sharing inspiring stories from the early days with Amma, leaving participants with hearts full of love and inspiration.
Day Three: A Culmination of Grace
The final day commenced with an auspicious Sarvaishwarya puja ceremony conducted by Br. Ramanandamrita Chaitanya. The ceremony, whose name combines "sarva" (everyone and all) with "aishwarya" (prosperity and auspiciousness), was enriched by Vedic hymns, chants, and devotional singing, invoking blessings for universal well-being and prosperity.
Participants then enjoyed another session of Amrita Yoga, which transcends mere physical practice to foster heart-centered awareness and deeper connection with the Self. The morning's highlight was an engaging Q&A session with the disciples, including Swamini Ambikamrita, during which profound spiritual insights were studded with gems of laughter.
After a wholesome and delicious lunch, participants gathered for Swamiji's final discourse on forgiveness as a spiritual practice. The retreat culminated in heart-stirring bhajan session that resulted in participants spontaneously rising to dance, losing themselves in the divine flow of music and celebration. The three-day retreat then drew to a close, leaving participants feeling refreshed and transformed—their hearts overflowing with gratitude, their minds enriched with wisdom, and their spirits uplifted by the shared experience of devotion and community.