ABK Celebrates 4th Anniversary

Amrita Bala Kendra Chicago celebrates 4th anniversary: A glance back at the journey...
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With our beloved Amma's blessings, Amrita Bala Kendra (ABK) Chicago completed four successful years of a wonderful journey. We had a sweet celebration of the 4th Anniversary of ABK on January 12th at MA Center Chicago (MACC) at Elburn. ABK is a tool that Amma has provided to ensure that today's children will grow into good citizens and make positive contribution to the society. It prepares them for the world and for the difficulties they will face, by guiding them in the application of Amma's teachings. This program is designed for children aged between 4 and 14 years.
Glance at ABK's journey:
In response to Amma's suggestion, the ABK program started in 2009 in Chicago as a “once a month” program in conjunction with the monthly satsang. We followed the curriculum developed under Amma's directions. After two successful years, ABK program was extended to twice a month. We also started a new session for junior kids (4-6 year olds). ABK expansion also led to another satsang in conjunction with the ABK session. Now, as we complete our 4th year, with our Amma's Grace and the support of everyone, ABK sessions are being conducted weekly for two hours.
We continue to have separate sessions for both senior and junior kids. We have started taking advantage of technology by having regular Skype sessions for out- of- state children in the Midwest region. ABK has been following the curriculum developed by Amma for the children. In the past year, other activities such as yoga, art and craft, indoor and outdoor games, and nature-related activities have been added to the regular ABK session. Children have also been spending time with Br. Shantamrita Chaitanya through discussion.
Bhajans have been an important and exciting part of ABK Chicago. Great effort is made to train the children sing bhajans individually and as a group. Bhajans are practiced in the class and are perfected by singing during satsang bhajans. Our children have performed many a bhajan concert in temples around the Chicago area as well as during Amma's programs in Chicago. Over the years, they have also performed skits and dances during Amma's programs and during special satsang events.
On January 1st, the ABK children participated and represented MA Center Chicago in an Inter Faith Prayer service by delivering Amma's message on World peace.
In the last couple of years, ABK has engaged in various community service projects. Toy drive for “Toys for Tots” in collaboration with US Marine Corps, volunteer service at Feed My Starving Children Foundation and participation in food drives are to name a few.
With the new Chicago ashram, ABK has taken the pledge to support Amma's “InDeed” campaign by including Nature-related activities into the regular sessions. The goal is to create awareness in children by understanding Nature and reinforcing the importance of preserving and protecting it. ABK has also supported Green Friends program by participating in planting trees, building bug homes, etc.
In January, as we celebrated our Anniversary, ABK children presented a speech on Amma's teachings on World Peace to the satsang. They also sang the bhajan `Everyone in the world' which conveys Amma's dream of a beautiful, peaceful, and happy world. At the end, the children prayed for the wellbeing of the whole world by chanting the peace mantra
|| ॐ लोकाः सम?स्ता: सुखिनो भवन्तु ||
Aum Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu (May all beings everywhere live in peace and happiness).
ABK concluded the celebration by children cutting cake with Br. Shantamrita and some freestyle dancing to the bhajan Jhala Jhala.
The ABK Chicago team would like to thank all our children for their active participation and extend our sincere gratitude to all the ABK teachers, volunteers, and others who have supported us over the past four years. We are also grateful to all the parents for their wonderful support. Of course, none of this would have been possible without Amma's grace. May Amma continue to shower Her blessings on our children so they can grow up to be responsible adults carrying on Amma's mission of “embracing the world.”
Aum Namah Sivaya
Amrita Bala Kendra (ABK) Chicago
For details about ABK program:
Phone: 224.210.8634 | E-mail: Abk.Chicago@gmail.com