Three Cities, Four Events

Swami Shantamrita from MA Center Midwest joins us for special satsangs in three different cities for four events in preparation for Amma's upcoming visit to Detroit this November.
Please join us for these enlightening and joyful satsangs with Swami Shantamrita on:
Sat, Oct. 20: Detroit, MI;
Sun, Oct. 21: Special Event: "East Meets West," a special service held at Detroit Unity Temple, 17505 Second Blvd., Detroit, MI 48203 with Reverend Gregory Guice and Swami (please visit Michigan Center's events for more details) There is also an hour free program at noon after the service held by Swami;
Sat, Nov. 3: Amma Center of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI; and
Sat, Nov. 4: Cincinnati, OH.