About Us

MA Center Michigan is located in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The center was inaugurated in 1997 and is situated on a 54-acre property just 5 miles away from downtown Ann Arbor. The property is home to Amrita Farms, a 1008-tree organic apple orchard. A sacred grove was established to protect biological resources such as native flora/ fauna, oxygen, and deep groundwater reserves of the surrounding area. We have a non-denominational service every Saturday.
Michigan Center is the physical home dedicated to practising Amma's teachings such as selfless service. We come together to participate in Community Outreach Projects such as Mother's Kitchen, Meals on Wheels etc... and attend weekly programs This wider community also participates in special events throughout the year, including spiritual retreats, environmental workshops, and holiday celebrations.
GET INVOLVED in any of our Community Outreach Projects.
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