Inauguration of MA Center Michigan by Br. Dayamrita Chaitanya

Winter of 1999, with Amma's blessings, Br. Dayamrita Chaitanya officially inaugurated the Amma Center of Michigan, in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Subsequently that year, Amma conducted Her first Michigan program in Ann Arbor. Twenty years have gone by, many cherished members of our Amma family have come and gone, many are still here, we have shared innumerable special moments together, have been blessed to be able to serve many here in our community as well as support many of Amma's Embracing the World charities.
Winter of 2020, we were blessed to have Br. Dayamrita formally announce the transition of Amma Center of Michigan (ACM) to MA Center Michigan (MACM). Well-wishers from around mid-west attended including Senator John Runestead's Chief of Staff, Linda Hyaduck. We were all very happy to have swami here again, brightening our dreary midwinter weekend with his presence, his galvanizing satsang and energizing bhajans. In his satsang, swami emphasized the importance and significance of having a guru like Amma in our lives and he also reiterated the subtle and precious benefits of weekly satsang and group chanting. It was a much needed spiritual boost for all of us who tend to get a little weary during the long, frigid winter months.
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