Farming Seva - Nov 2

Apple picking season is drawing to a close
Huge thanks to the Toronto Amrita Bala Kendra group who helped the Farm Team pick apples last Saturday, October 26. These enthusiastic volunteers picked over 3000 lbs of apples in just a three hours! When we ran out of boxes, our pickers filled laundry baskets, buckets, and wheelbarrows with apples. The apple sorting area was soon buried in a tidal wave of fruit. In the afternoon, Farm Team members began the task of sorting the apples, directing them for sales, to food banks, or to the compost. Two ABK parents immediately drove 750 lbs of apples to the food bank, while other volunteers continued the task of sorting, selling, and delivering the apples throughout the week. Heartfelt gratitude to each and every person who helped!
To date, Amma Canada has donated over 8200 lbs of fruit to food banks across the GTA. While apple season is not quite over, the end is definitely in sight: if you would like to come pick apples in Amma Canada's orchard and you have not made it out yet, please do come this Saturday or next, before the apples are gone! Apple picking this Saturday, November 2 begins 10 AM and finishes at 3 PM in time for the Diwali Satsang. Please bring your own lunch, as the Farm Team will not have access to the kitchen. After the satsang, Bosc pears, Enterprise apples and Nova Spy apples will be available for purchase for $2/lb. This will be the last week to buy pears! There may also be delicious fresh-pressed apple juice for $6/L. If you have any questions, please contact Brian or email