Farming Update - Sep 21

Help sort apples and deliver to food banks
Last Saturday we harvested another 1000 lbs of apples. Since the last update, an additional 481 lbs of fruit have been donated to GTA food banks, for a total of 1454 lbs of donated fruit. Of the remaining fruit, a small amount has been sold, some put aside for juicing, and the remainder is being held for sale or awaiting for transport to food banks.
This weekend, the focus will be on tidying up the orchard, and preparing for two groups: St Felix Centre and Hindu Swayamsevak Sangha. They will be assisting with the apple harvest on Friday, September 27 and Saturday, September 28, respectively. Extra hands will be needed Saturday, September 28 to sort the apples that have been harvested and transport them to food banks. The orchard team is also in need of many Costco boxes for the harvested fruit. Your help is greatly needed and much appreciated!
Farm seva starts this Saturday, September 21 between 10 AM in the veggie garden and 11 AM in the orchard, and runs until 4 PM. We will also be selling our produce from 1-4 PM and for 45 minutes after satsang. Please check the farming chat for updates. A light lunch will be provided. If you will be joining for lunch or if you have any questions, please email