Farming Seva & Produce Sales - Aug 31

Farm Seva continues this Saturday
Thank you everyone for the help in the various farm sevas last weekend… It was a great day of camaraderie with an awesome, surprise lunch made with potatoes from Amma’s garden! It was also a very busy Saturday with sales of an abundance of vegetables and summer pears. With the help of many hands, most of our summer pears were picked. More than 500 lbs of pears were sold, and the remainder was distributed to several food banks.
Our vegetable & fruit sales table is open for business every Saturday between 1 - 4 PM. It will also be open this Sunday, September 1 for 30 minutes after the Krishna Jayanthi satsang. Keeping the environment in mind, please remember to bring your own reusable shopping bags.
There will be various sevas happening inside and outside the grounds this Saturday, August 31 between 10 AM and 4 PM (orchard seva starts at 11 AM), so please come and give us a helping hand!
If you have questions, please contact Brian or or email