July 15: Farming Seva

Veggie Garden and Veggie Sales Update
Thank you to all the dedicated volunteers who came during the week and last weekend! A lot of work got done in the many areas of the property. The veggie garden is starting to show the many colours of summer! Kale, Swiss chard and poi (Malabar spinach) will be available for sale this Saturday, July 15 from 12-4 PM. Eggplant will be available in two weeks.
Bee and Orchard Update
All four beehives are buzzing with activity, as the bees fill up frames with honey. In the lower orchard, all of the pear trees and 71 of the apple trees are showing promise of a bountiful Fall harvest. The cherry trees took a rest this year after giving a bountiful harvest for the two prior years. Sadly, 22 apple trees have developed apple scab due to the lack of Spring spraying, lack of pruning, and frequent rainfall. The upper orchard has been completely taken over by apple scab fungus for the same reasons. We have started to prune back the trees in the upper orchard to control the fungal growth by bringing sunlight into the trees. This Saturday, we will continue pruning and removing diseased fruit in the upper orchard. In the lower orchard, about 100 traps have been set to control the apple fly and organic sprays have been applied twice over the last two weeks. So far damage from the apple fly is minimal. This Saturday, we will start cutting the grass under the apple trees in the lower orchard.
Farm Seva Signup
Farm seva continues this Saturday, July 15 from 10 AM - 3 PM with weeding, harvesting, pruning, and cutting the grass. A light lunch will be provided. Please sign up HERE >
For more info or to reach the Farm Team, email ammatoronto@ammagroups.org.