Compassion: the Need of the Hour - Retreat with Swamiji

Compassion: The Need of The Hour
In person retreat with Swami Amritaswarupananda Puri at MA Center, Chicago
Thursday – Sunday, July 6-9
Save the date! We are pleased to announce that Swami Amritaswarupananda Puri will be leading a 4 day retreat at MA Center Chicago: “Compassion: the Need of the Hour” July 6-9 (Thursday-Sunday). This in-person retreat will include spiritual talks, Q&As, yoga, bhajans, meditation, AYUDH youth segments, and a C20 Symposium which will include special guests & interactive workshops.
Registration is now open here
We’re thrilled about this rare opportunity to have Swamiji with us in-person and eagerly look forward to your valuable participation. We’ll be sharing accommodation and transportation details with you very soon.