Estate Planning Seminar Online

The seminar will provide valuable information on creating a Will or Living Trust, Power of Attorney, Medical Power of Attorney, Health-care Directives, and how to leave assets to your charity of choice.
1. I’ve supported Amma's charities. How can I use part of my estate to support Amma's work after I am gone?
2. If I do not have a formal plan for what I want done with my property, what will happen to it?
3. What's best for me and my family- a Will, Living Trust, joint ownership, Power of Attorney, Health-care Directives, etc.
Seminar Attendees are Eligible to Receive Free personal consultation with MA Center legal team.
APRIL 30th between 10 Am and 2 PM Pacific ( Break for 30 minutes at Noon)
Via Zoom
Time: Apr 30, 2022 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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