ETW Covid Relief - Winter Auction 2021

A surefire way to get over the covid-blues.
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We are happy to announce this annual silent auction as a way to help Amma's children all over the world feel connected with Her during these challenging times. This year’s Auction is going to be a special treat offering many unique and rare prasad items in all price ranges so everyone can participate.
Proceeds from our silent online auction will provide relief to those affected by the pandemic. By participating you will be supporting doctors from Amrita Institute of Medical Science (AIMS) provide free treatment for Covid-19 patients as well as to help educate tribal and rural village people about the importance of vaccination; village workers offer educational support to children; AmritaSree Self Help Groups (SHGs) which act as conduits for women to support their communities and families; and AYUDH, Amma’s youth wing, distribute food to those in need, conduct post Covid follow ups with individuals who have recovered from the illness, and offer live online sessions during which the public can ask doctors covid related questions.
To find updates on Embracing the World's response to combat and contain COVID19, visit: Covid Relief Efforts