May 13: Beekeeping Update - The Gift of a New Hive

As the weather warms during the day, the bees are becoming more active and out foraging. The beekeeping team is seeing tons of dandelions, which are their main source of nectar and pollen at this time. There are also blossoms on the orchard trees and other flowers poking up on the grounds for the bees to forage on. There have been some cold nights but the bees seem to be doing well. Inside the hive, one can see that the bees are busy building cone and bringing in lots of nectar and pollen.
The beekeeping team is happy to report that we received a new swarm of bees on Sunday, May 8 from an old friend from Windsor, ON. Penny has been with Amma for many years. Although Penny doesn’t keep bees, she lovingly rescues bees that have swarmed in neighbouring areas and relocates them to new homes, such as apiaries. Last week, Penny received a call from a nearby neighbour regarding a swarm of bees while she was doing her prayers. She felt strongly that this swarm was a gift, and that it should go to the Amma community. As a result, the beekeeping team is now the proud caretaker of a new hive! The team positioned the hive and reverently welcomed the bees. By the time the volunteers left, the bees had begun their orientation flight and were accustomed to their new home. The beekeepers will check on the new hive in a week’s time.
Due to current Covid restrictions, the farm is closed to all visitors, and the beekeeping team is not able to welcome new members at this time. We continue to hope that the pandemic situation will improve, and we will be able to welcome new volunteers soon. Questions? Contact