Transforming an entire community in Bihar

Anil was 7 years old when our Embracing the World volunteers opened a tuition (tutoring) center in the village where he lives. Although he was enrolled in the school there, he didn’t go regularly. Just like many other students, he only went occasionally and often just for the mid-day meal. He was illiterate and hardly bathed. He didn’t notice or mind, that was the only life he knew.
Anil belongs to the Musahar community of Bihar. Our own self-reliant village initiative, Amrita SeRVe is now working with disadvantaged rural communities in 21 states of India. The living conditions of the Musahars are by far, the most deplorable across all the communities that our volunteers have come across in all 21 states. Literacy rates are very low. Only 6% of Musahar men and 2% of women can read or write. The communities are not educated in basic hygiene and sanitation practices.