Jan 5: Thursday Evening Meditation with Br. Ramanand

Br Ramanand's first visit to Toronto in 2017 commenced with a evening meditation session on Thursday, January 5.
Ramanandji first led a small group of devotees in chanting Amma’s 108 names, and then began guided meditation. During the meditation, he invited participants to direct their attention sequentially to five specific focal points:
First, Ramanandji requested participants to meditate on the chanting of Amma`s names. Second, participants were told to focus on the sound of the bhajans (hymns) being sung. This was followed by meditation on one's thoughts, with the goal of removing negativities, unhappiness, and troubles. Fourth, Ramanandji asked the participants to focus their minds on Amma or our ishta devata (favourite form of the Divine). Finally, everyone was instructed to meditate on silence. The hour and ten minutes of meditation was much enjoyed by everyone in attendance. The night ended in true Canadian style, as the devotees brought in delicious food share at the end of the session.
Amma's Toronto Satsang eagerly looks forward to more of these evening meditation sessions in the future! It is anticipated that Br Ramanand will return to Toronto in early February. When his travel dates are known, they will be posted on the Events page. Check back soon! Jai Ma!